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V4 All in One Polish elimina las imperfecciones leves, los rasguños y los remolinos, termina como un pulimento fino, restaura el brillo  y la reflexión profunda, luego agrega una capa de protección en un solo paso.

Utilice este producto para:

  • Produce un brillo excepcional en poco tiempo
  • Proteja su pintura con selladores premium
  • Agregue protección duradera contra los elementos.
  • Ahorre tiempo puliendo y sellando a la vez
  • Corta con fuerza y refina el acabado en un solo paso
Como Usar

Dual Action Polisher

  1. Shake well and apply 4-5 drops to desired pad. 
  2. Prime pad with Pad Conditioner. Dab product out evenly across 2' x 2' section. 
  3. Turn on machine on paint to speed setting 1 to spread product. 
  4. Increase speed to 5-6 and using moderate pressure, work area in 2-3 passes until product becomes clear.
  5. Follow with light pressure to finish. 
  6. Remove residue with a clean microfiber towel.
  7. Please Note: Always try a test spot before use. 


Rotary Polisher

  1. Shake well and apply 4-5 drops to desired pad. 
  2. Prime pad with Pad Conditioner. Dab product out evenly across 2' x 2' section. 
  3. Turn on machine away from paint to a setting in between 1000-1500 rpms to spread product. 
  4. Using just the weight of the machine (no pressure) work area in 3-4 passes until compound becomes clear.
  5. For final pass adjust speed setting to between 1200-1800 rpms.
  6. Work until optical clarity is achieved.
  7. Remove residue with clean microfiber cloth.