Pet Hair Brush

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El cepillo eliminar pelo de mascotas es la herramienta imprescindible para todos los dueños de mascotas que utiliza electricidad estática para extraer suavemente el pelo, la pelusa de las alfombras, tapizados sin rayarlos.

Utilice este pincel para:
  • Recoge el cabello humano y de mascotas como un imán
  • Limpiar sin hojas desechables para reemplazar
  • Dedique menos tiempo a limpiar los desechos de su mascota
  • Quítese el pelo de jeans, pantalones, chaquetas
  • Deja de preocuparte por tus mascotas en tus muebles
Como Usar
  1. For best results, first vacuum any loose dirt and debris from carpets or floor mats.
  2. Brush off any stuck-in fur and hair with the Professional Rubber Pet Hair Removal Brush.
  3. Gently rake the surface in one direction to push and pull fur and hair from carpet, clothing, and upholstery.
  4. The brush may build up a static charge; use the static to pick up loose fur and hair like a magnet.
  5. Pick up any loosened hair and fur by hand or with a stiff bristle brush, then dispose of it properly.
  6. To clean, rinse with warm running water and a gentle all-purpose cleaner.